Otro comercio al por mayor especializado
Productos y servicios
Comercio al por mayor de aluminio, cobre, chapa , hierro, etc.
Comercio al por mayor de chatarra y productos de desecho
Separación y clasificación de materiales
Comercio al por mayor de chatarra y productos de desecho
Separación y clasificación de materiales
Wholesale of waste and scrap
Dismantling of wrecks
The company is engaged in the wholesale of waste and scrap. It is involved in wholesaling scrap from automotive, industrial, and other recyclable materials. The company was incorporated in February of 1987. The registered head office of the company is located in Cordoba, Spain. The company specializes in collecting, transporting, storing, and treating iron and steel scrap, non-ferrous metals, and alloy scrap. It recycles non-ferrous metal scrap, and transports, stores, and sorts these metallic materials for the iron, steel and metal industry.