Otro comercio al por mayor especializado
Productos y servicios
Compra venta al por mayor de productos de papel y cartón y productos para artes gráficas
Comercio al por mayor de otros productos semielaborados
Comercio al por mayor no especializado
Comercio al por mayor de otros productos semielaborados
Comercio al por mayor no especializado
Wholesale of other intermediate products
Non-specialised wholesale trade
The company is engaged in the wholesale distribution of paper products and cardboard. It was incorporated in 1984. The registered business office of the company is strategically located in Cordoba, Spain. It offers paperboard (cereal and other food boxes); corrugated cardboard; newspapers; omputer paper; white envelopes; notebook paper; ledger paper; absorbent paper; asphalt paper; bond paper; book paper; art paper; white paper; bristols paper; cigarette paper; cotton fiber paper; kraft paper; paper bag; envelope stock; tissue stock; wallpaper stock; wrapping paper; and ground wood paper. Furthermore, the company offers bulk supplies and delivery services. It has its active operation within the country.