Fabricación de artículos de joyería, bisutería y similares
Productos y servicios
Industrias manufactureras y textiles, compraventa al mayor de artículos dejoyería
Fabricación de artículos de joyería y artículos similares
Fabricación de artículos de joyería y artículos similares
Manufacture of jewellery and related articles
The company is engaged in the manufacture and sale of jewelry or precious stones. It was incorporated in 2012 and it has a registered head office located in Cordoba, Spain. The company offers the following precious or semi-precious stones: gold, white gold, platinum, palladium, diamond, ruby, sapphire, topaz, emerald, pearl, silverware, opal, and precious metals bullion. These precious or semi-precious stones are used to make hairpins, headbands, crowns, earrings, and lip and nose rings for the head; belts and girdles; bracelets, watches, anklets, and rings for the arms and legs; and pendants and necklaces for the neck; brooches, cloak clasps, and buttons for the chest.